Leesburg Fire 175

Leesburg Fire 175

Meeting Dates

March 13, 2024

June 12, 2024

September 11, 2024

December 11, 2024

Meeting Minutes & Agendas

September 2024


June 2024


MARCH 2024



JUNE 2023

MARCH 2023


Sept 2022

 JULY 2022

MARCH 2022




1.Walt Roenbeck - Chairman appointed by the members - Two year term /  Term ends 12/31/2024

2.Ryan Owens- Trustee appointed by the Board - Two year term / Term ends 03/31/2026

3.Steve Allen - Trustee appointed by the members - Two year term / Term ends 12/31/25

4. Bill Middlemiss- Trustee appointed by the City - Two year term / Term ends 12/31/25 

5.Seat 5 - Ronny Goeler - Trustee appointed by the City - Two year term /   term ends 12/31/2024


Pension Retirement Checklist

The following steps are necessary in order to process your retirement timely and efficiently:

1) Contact the Pension Administration Office and request an “Estimate of Benefits” preferably at least 2 months prior to retirement. You will need to provide a target retirement date. You are entitled to 2 free calculations. Any calculation thereafter will be charged a rate of $200.00

2) Submit notice to agency. Coordinate this separation date with your specific department’s policies and procedures and fiscal section to ensure that you comply with the department’s rules and regulations regarding providing adequate notice, mustering out pay, use of leave, schedules, etc. The pension office cannot provide advice or direction on departmental rules or requirements.

4) Contact the Pension Administrator two weeks prior to your separation date for an appointment. During your appointment, you will be completing the following forms for your entry into retirement:

a) Application for Retirement- Election Form (citing date of separation)

c) W4-P – Federal Income Tax Withholding Form

d) Health Insurance Enrollment Form (whether accepting or declining)

e) Life Insurance Enrollment Form (whether accepting or declining)

f) Direct Deposit Form (requires pre-printed, voided check)

g) Pension Update Form General Information

 Direct deposit of pension benefits is mandatory and you must provide a pre-printed, voided check to the pension office for initial set-up.

 If you are enrolling in City sponsored life or health insurance, premiums will be deducted from your pension check to include any retro payments due during transition

 Pension checks are issued one per month on the last business day of the month. If you have divorced, please bring a copy of your Final Judgment/Final Dissolution of Marriage, Marital Settlement Agreement (if any), and Income Deduction Order (if any).

Retirement Benefit Process Timeline.

When Will I Get My First Check?

  1. Board Requests Final Salary data from City –

-Turn around is 3 business days from the last pay period you received a

check in. (depending on when your last shift was, this could be up to two weeks)

  1. Board uses applicants final salary to prepare a request for final calculation of benefits and delivers to Actuary

-Turn around is 2 business day.

  1. Actuary prepares final benefit calculation and delivers to Board

-Turn around is 10 Business days. Final Calculation is provided to applicant for review.

  1. Applicant submits application, direct deposit form and W4 for approval.

-The applicant has control of the timeliness of submittal. Please note the process stops until all documents are submitted to the Board.

  1. Pending retro checks and rollovers will be released within 10 business days of the applicant submitting all required documents.

All regular benefits will begin at the beginning of the following month after submittal of the application packet.

The above timeline is an estimate of the application process and can vary due to many factors. On average, benefit payments are delivered approximately six to eight weeks from the last date of employment.

Share money can be released immediately and has a processing time of approximately two weeks of the submittal of form “Election of Form Distribution Of Accumulated Share Benefits”